Textbook Assignment:“ConcreteA S S I G N M E N T 6and Masonry.”Pages 7-1 through 7-34.6-1.Concrete is a synthetic construction6-2.6-3.6-4.material made by properly mixingtogether which of the followingingredients?1.Water and cement only2.Water, cement, and sand only3.Water, cement, and gravel only4.Water, cement, sand, and gravelor crushed stoneWhat is the name of the chemicalreaction responsible for thehardening of concrete?1.Dehydration2.Hydration3.Oxidation4.DeoxidationThe chemical reaction that causesconcrete to harden occurs betweenwhich of the following ingredients?1.Cement and sand2.Cement and gravel3.Cement and water4.Gravel and sandWhat factor controls the strength,durability, and watertightness ofconcrete?1.The amount of sand2.The size and shape of the coarseaggregate3.The proportion of sand to gravel4.The proportion of water tocement6-5.The tensile strength of concrete, incomparison to compressive strength,is1.higher2.lower3.approximately the same6-6.To ensure that concrete iswatertight as possible, you shouldtake which of the following actions?1.Add more water2.Add less water3.Use only the amount of waterrequired to attain the necessaryworkability4.Add more sand to fill any voids6-7.6-8.6-9.6-10.6-11.The extent to which concrete resistsdeterioration caused by exposure toservice conditions is called1.strength2.compressibility3.flexibility4.durabilityWhich of the following materials areplaced in concrete to producereinforced concrete?1.Steel bars2.Steels rods3.Steel strands, wire, and weldedwire mesh4.All of the aboveWhat reinforced concrete structuralmember supports and distributesbuilding loads to the ground?1.Plain slab2.Footing3.Beam4.columnIn addition to the principalreinforcement, what other steelreinforcing is used in tied columns? reinforcingLateral tiesSpiral reinforcingMatsdiameter of reinforcing barsincrease from one size to the nextby what increment?1.1/16 in2.1/8 in3.1/4 in4.3/8 in6-12.Where, if anywhere, in a simple beam(a beam resting freely on twosupports near its ends) is there NOstress?1.Top2.Bottom3.Exact center4.Nowhere; all areas have somestress37
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