6-13.When a reinforcing bar is bent toosharply, what might occur?1.The bar would crack or beweakened2.The bar will not adhere to theconcrete3.Concrete strength would bereduced4.Hydration would not occur6-14.When not dimensioned on thedrawings, what is the minimum lengthof a lap splice for (a) No. 3 barsand (b) No. 6 bars?1.(a) 11.25 in(b) 22.50 in2.(a) 12.00 in (b) 22.50 in3.(a) 22.50 in (b) 12.00 in4.(a) 22.50 in (b) 11.25 in6-15.What pattern sizes are available in6-16.6-17.square pattern welded-wire fabric?1.1 by 1 in, 2 by 2 in, and3 by 3 in2.2 by 2 in, 3 by 3 in, 4 by 4 in,and 5 by 5 in3.2 by 2 in, 3 by 3 in, 4 by 4 in,and 6 by 6 in4.3 by 3 in, 5 by 5 in, and6 by 6 inWhen concrete structural members arefabricated at locations other thanthe final position of use, they areknown by what term?1.preconstructed2.Cast-in-place3.Prefabricated4.PrecastWhat term is concrete cast in itsfinal position of use known by?1.Preconstructed2.Cast-in-place3.Prefabricated4.PrecastIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 6-18 THROUGH 6-21,SELECT THE PRECAST STRUCTURAL MEMBER FROMTHE FOLLOWING LIST WHICH BEST FITS THE USEDESCRIBED.A.FLOOR OR ROOF DECKB.DECK PANEL FOR A LARGE PIERc.INSULATED EXTERIOR WALL6-18.Tongue-and-groove panel.1. A2. B3. C6-19.6-20.6-21.6-22.6-23.6-24.6-25.6-26.Sandwich panel.1. A2. B3. CDouble-T slab.1. A2. B3. CChannel slab.1. A2. B3. CWhat terms correctly refer to thesmall,closely spaced beams used in(a) floor and (b) roof construction?1.(a) Joists (b) purlins2.(a) Joists(b) joists3.(a) Purlins (b) purlins4.(a) Purlins (b) joistsWhat primary difference, if any,exists between the beams andgirders?1.Beams are shorter than girders2.Beams are used for differentpurposes than girders3.Beams are made of differentmaterial than girders4.Nothing; they are the sameUnless the ends of beams arerectangular, most of them will be ofwhat cross-sectional shape?1.Single T2.Double T3. I4. CIn hollow precast columns, whatmaterial is put in the core to helphold the column upright?1.Concrete2.Looped rod3.Grout4.Heavy cardboardOf the following advantages ofprecasting identical concretemembers,which is considered to bethe most important?1.Less required storage space2.Faster erection time3.Reusable forms4.Quality-controlled concrete38
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