7-28.What voltage is needed to operatethe single-phase motor at the motorpool?1.110 V2.220 V3. 330 V4.440 V7-29.When the voltage remains constant,what happens to amperage when(a) resistance is decreased or(b) power consumption is decreased?1.(a) It(b) it2.(a) It(b) it3.(a) It(b) it4. (a) It(b) itincreasesdecreasesdecreasesdecreasesincreasesincreasesdecreasesincreases7-30.Which of the following reasons isNOT an advantage of installingelectrical distribution systemsunderground, rather than overhead?1.Underground installation costsare less2.Underground lines are secureagainst high winds3.Underground lines are lesssusceptible to enemy attack4.Underground installationprovides open land areas freefrom distribution systems7-31.Electrical power is brought into abuilding through what device orconductor?1.Panel board2.Switchboard3.Service drop4. Service entrance7-32.What electrical deviceautomatically opens a circuit whenthe amperage exceeds the ratedvalue for that device?1.Panel box2.Circuit breaker3.Switch4.Disconnect7-33.Compared to a No. 4 AWG conductor,the size of a No. 16 AWG conductoris1.smaller2.equal3.larger7-34.7-35.7-36.7-37.7-38.7-39.7-40.What size wire isused for interiormost frequentlywiring? AWGNo. 12 AWGNo.8 AWGNo.6 AWGwhich of the following locationsROMEX NOT authorized for use?Embedded in concreteIn garagesIn an explosives storagebuildingAll of the aboveWhich of the following types ofinsulation should be used forinstallation in wet locations?1. RH2.RHW3. RUH4.Each of the aboveWhich, if any, of the followingtypes of insulation is consideredto be suitable for use in drylocations?1.RHW2. T3. TW4. None of the aboveInstead of manually making a sharpbend in rigid aluminum conduit,which of the following fittingsshould you use?1.Coupling2.Conduit union3.Condulet4.Galvanized steel elbowWhich of the following types ofconduit can be1.2.3.4.Fortheyou1.2.3.4.RigidPVCEMTGreenfieldinstallingthreaded?a switch, which offollowing outlet boxes shoulduse?4-inch octagon boxGem boxHandy box4-inch square box46
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