Figure 7AIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 7-62 AND 7-63,REFER TO THE WALL SECTION SYMBOL SHOWN INFIGURE 7A.7-62.7-63.7-64.7-65.What does the numeral “2” indicate?1.The section number2.The sheet number where thesection is taken3.The sheet number where thesection is drawnWhat does “A7” indicate?1.The section number2.The sheet number where thesection is taken3.The sheet number where thesection is drawnWhen using flat D-size sheets for aset of working drawings, where, onthe first sheet of the set, shouldyou place general notes?1.Three inches below the spaceprovided for the revision block2.On the right side of thedrawing3.On the left side of the drawing4.Anywhere that space permitsOf the following functions, whichis NOT a function of workingdrawings in general?1.To provide a basis forestimating materialrequirements2.To complement the projectspecifications3.To guide and instruct theconstruction personnel4.To specify the type ofequipment required during7-66.7-67.7-68.7-69.7-70.7-71.7-72.What types of contours should beshown on a site plan drawing?1.Existing only2.Finished only3.Existing and finishedOn a site plan for a new building,which of the following elevationsshould be shown for the building?1.Existing ground2.Top of footing3.Bottom of footing4.Finished floorAt a minimum, when a new buildingis to be constructed parallel tothe property lines, what totalnumber of location dimensionsshould be shown on the site plan?1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four or moreIn what main division of a set ofproject drawings for a new buildingshould you look to find the typesand sizes of the windows?1.Civil2.Architectural3.Structural4.MechanicalTo find the size and placement ofreinforcing steel in the gradebeams for a building, you shouldlook in what main division of thedrawings?1.Civil2.Architectural3.Structural4.MechanicalIn what main division should youlook to find the ceiling height ofeach room in a building?1.Civil2.Architectural3.Structural4.MechanicalFor construction drawings, thedimension lines are always drawnbroken for the insertion of thenumerals.1.Trueconstruction2.False49
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