6-51.Which of the following requirementsfor concrete blocks measures theability to carry loads and withstandstructural stresses?1.Absorption2.Moisture content3.Density4.Compressive strength6-52.What is the actual size, in inches,of an 8- by 8- by 16-inch CMU?1.7 l/2 by 7 1/2 by 15 1/22.7 5/8 by 7 5/8 by 15 5/83. 8by 8by 164.8 1/4 by 8 1/4 by 16 1/46-53.In concrete masonry construction,what part of the block is the faceshell?1.Material that forms thepartitions between the cores2.Holes between the webs3.Long sides of the block unit4.Recessed end of the block units6-54.To minimize cutting and fitting, youshould maximize modular planning bythe use of which of the followingsize of block units?1.Full-size units only2.Half-size units only3.Full-size and quarter-size units4.Full-size and half-size units6-55.Which of the following parts is bestdescribed as the solid side of abuilding tile?1.Shell2.Web3.Cell4.Core6-56.In addition to the thickness of theshell and webs of tile, thecompressive strength of tile dependsupon which of the following factors?1.Materials used and method ofmanufacture2.The opening and cell size3.Its resistance to abrasion4.Its resistance to deterioration6-57.When building tiles are used inconstruction that is exposed to theweather, mortar should be preparedonly from which of the followingmaterials?1.Waterproofed cement2.Portland cement-lime3.Masonry cement4.Both 2 and 3 above6-58.The use of structural load-bearingtile is restricted by which of thefollowing factors?1.Fire rating of the tiles2.Weight and sizes of the tiles3.Availability of the material4.Building codes andspecifications6-59.Which of the following stone masonrydescriptions best describes the term“rubble”?1.The faces of stone are squareand placed in position so thefinished surfaces will present acontinuous plane surfaceappearance2.The stones used are left intheir natural state without anykind of shaping3.The stones are unprocessed andlaid in courses withoutconsideration of size or weight4.The stones are roughly squaredand laid in such a manner toproduce approximately continuoushorizontal bed joints6-60.Of the following types of stonework,which one is considered to be thecrudest?1.Coursed ashlar2.Coursed rubble3.Random ashlar4.Random rubble6-61.Which, if any, of the followingmaterials is used in mortar mix toprevent staining of the stones?1.Ordinary portland cement2.White portland cement3.Lime added to the mixed cement4.None of the above6-62.What standard dimensions, in inches,are of building brick?1.1 1/4 by 3 3/4 by 82.1 1/2 by 3 3/4 by 83.1 3/4 by 3 3/4 by 84.2 1/4 by 3 3/4 by 86-63.Common brick is best described as1.unglazed,uniform in color, andmade from select clay2.unglazed, variable in color, andmade from inferior clay3.unglazed, variable in color, andmade from pit-run clay4.glazed, uniform in color, andmade from select clay41
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