7-52.7-53.Sets of initial working drawingsthat are provided to a customer forreview and approval beforecompletion of the final drawingsare known by what name?1.Presentation2.Shop3.Preliminary4.ConceptBoth red-lined drawings andas-built drawings reflect as-builtconditions.What, if anything, isthe difference between them?1.Red-lined drawings are preparedby marking-up a copy of theoriginal drawings duringconstruction, whereas as-builtdrawings are prepared by makingchanges to the original (orsepia) drawings during or afterproject completion2.Red-lined drawings are preparedby making changes to theoriginal drawings duringconstruction, whereas as-builtdrawings are made by marking-upa copy of the original drawingsafter project completion3. Red-lined drawings are preparedfrom the as-built drawings4.There is no difference betweenred-lined and as-built drawingsIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 7-54 THROUGH 7-56,SELECT THE PUBLICATION THAT YOU SHOULD USETO LOCATE THE REQUESTED INFORMATION.7-54.Facility and assembly drawings forpre-engineered structures used bySEABEES at advanced bases.1. A2. B3. C4. D7-55.Typical floor planprovided to an A/Eproject drawings.1. A2. B3. C4. Darrangementsfirm preparing7-56.7-57.7-58.7-59.7-60.7-61.The crew size required to erect apre-engineered building assembly.1. A2. B3. c4. DProject drawings are required tohave which of the followingattributes?1.They must be complete2.They must be accurate3.They must be explicit4.All of the aboveFor NAVFACENGCOM drawings, which ofthe following title block formatsis prescribed for use on F-sizesheets?1.Vertical only2.Horizontal only3.Vertical or horizontalBecause of the likelihood of futuresize reduction, what informationmust be prominently placed on alldrawings at the time they areprepared?1. A numeric scale2.A graphic scale3. A warning stating the drawingmay be reduced in size4. Both 2 and 3 aboveWhen performing freehand letteringon an architectural floor plandrawing, you should use (a) whattype of lettering and (b) whatminimum size lettering?1.(a)uppercase (b)0.150 in2.(a)Lowercase (b)0.150 in3.(a)uppercase (b)0.156 in4.(a)Lowercase (b)0.156 inAs applied to dimensioning andtolerancing of drawings, which ofthe following statements is NOTcorrect? should not besubject to more than oneinterpretationWhen a dimension has atolerance,the tolerance isalways applied directly to thedimensionOnly those dimensions necessaryfor complete definition shouldbe shownThe use of the referencedimensions should be avoidedwhen possible48
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