7-22.What symbol should you use to show7-24.What valve symbol should you usea screwed union in a piping plan?for a hose valve?7-23.What valve symbol should you usefor a gate valve?7-25.Which of the following descriptionsbest defines electricaldistribution? transmission of power fromthe power plant to thesubstationsThe delivery of power from thepower plants or substationsthrough feeders and mains tothe building premisesThe interior wiring of abuildingThe overhead power lines thatextend from the substations tothe buildings7-26.Most land-based power systems usewhat type of electrical current?1.Indirect2.Direct3.Alternating4.VariableIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 7-27 and 7-28,REFER TO FIGURE 9-2 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK.7-27.The installation of a transformerbetween the primary and secondarymain to the motor pool serves whatpurpose?1.To reduce voltage2.To increase voltage3.To increase current flow4.To act as a safety device45
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