A S S I G N M E N T 7Textbook Assignment:“Mechanical Systems and Plan.” Pages 8-1 through 8-24.“ElectricalSystems and Plan.”Pages 9-1 through 9-19.“Construction Drawings.”Pages 10-1 through 10-33.7-1.7-2.7-3.7-4.7-5.The system of pipes, fixtures, andappurtenances used inside abuilding for supplying water andremoving wastes is known by whatgeneral term?1.Mechanical systems2.Plumbing3.Water distribution4.PipingWhen working with mechanical plans,you must become familiar with whichof the following codes?1.National Plumbing Code andNational Electrical Code®2.National Plumbing Code andlocal NAVFAC codes3.Local codes and NationalPlumbing Code4.Local codes and ANSI codesCopper is widely used for tubing inpiping systems for which of thefollowing reasons?1.It is less costly than othertypes of pipe2.It is available in two wallthicknesses and is faster toinstall3.It does not rust and isresistant to scale particles inthe pipe4.Fittings are screwed to thepipe which allows for fastercompletion of the piping systemWhich of the following types ofcopper tubing is frequently used asreplacement piping because of itsflexibility?1.Type K2.Type L, hard tempered3.Type M4.Type L, soft temperedWhich of the following advantagesdoes plastic pipe have over metal?1.Flexibility2.High resistance to rupture andtotal resistance to rust3.It can be installed eitherabove or below ground4.All of the above7-6.What type of polyvinyl chloridepipe can be used in both cold-waterand hot-water systems?1.PVC2.APVC3.CPVC4.PVC-C7-7.Galvanized steel pipe sizes arebased on what nominal size?1.Inside diameter2.Outside diameter3.Wall thickness4.Inside radius7-8.What type of fittingfor joining straightshould be usedruns ofdissimilar metal pipe that requireeasy disconnection?1.Union2.Coupling3.Dielectric union4.Dielectric coupling7-9.For what type of pipes should(a) solvent welded and (b) sweatedjoints be used?1.(a) Galvanized (b) plastic2.(a) Plastic(b) copper3.(a) Plastic(b) galvanized4.(a) Copper(b) plasticIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 7-10 THROUGH 7-13,SELECT THE TYPE OF VALVE FROM THEFOLLOWING LIST THAT BEST MATCHES THEDESCRIPTION GIVEN IN THE QUESTION.7-10.This valve has a wedge-shaped,movable plug that fits tightlyagainst the seat when closed.1. A2. B3. C43
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