7-11.7-12.7-13.7-14.7-15.7-16.7-17.This valve is well suited for usewhen a regulated flow is required.1. A2. B3. CThis valve must be operated in thefully open position.1. A2. B3. CThis valve isbackflow in a1. A2. B3. Cused to preventpipeline.On water mains, thrust blocksshould be installed for whatpurpose?1.To prevent pipe displacementcaused by high water pressure2.To prevent pipe ruptures causedby high water pressure3.To prevent sagging due to theweight of the piping material4.To prevent sagging due to theweight of the pipe and thewater contained in the pipeWhich of the following types ofpiping is becoming increasinglypopular for use in undergroundsanitary sewage systems?1.Cast iron2.polyvinyl chloride3.Concrete4.Wrought ironTo make a 22 l/2-degree change inpipe direction, what cast-ironfitting should you use?1.Combination Y and 1/8 bend2.1/4 bend3.Short sweep 1/4 bend4.1/16 bendWhat fittings are used in wastepipe systems to catch and holdwater, thereby forming a seal toprevent sewer gases from backing upinto a building?1.Traps2.Street ells3.Valves7-18.7-19.7-20.In what way, if any, do wastestacks differ from soil stacks?1.Waste stacks carry human waste,soil stacks do not2.Soil stacks carry human waste,waste stacks do not3.Waste stacks empty intobuilding drains, soil stacksempty into building sewers4.NoneUnder most local codes, what is theminimum distance that a buildingdrain must extend beyond thebuilding wall?1.2 ft2.3 ft3.6 ft4.10 ftIn a plumbing plan, which of thefollowing symols should be usedfor a hot-water line? symbol should you use to showa screwed joint in a piping plan?4.All of the above44
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