7-41.7-42.The National Electrical Code®allows an outlet box to be recessedwhat maximum distance below thesurface of a finished wall?1.1/16 inch2.1/8 inch3.1/4 inch4.1/2 inchA ceiling light is controlled fromtwo locations.location, whichTo add a thirdof the followingtypes of switches must you use?1.Single-pole2.Two-pole3.Three-way4.Four-wayIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 7-43 THROUGH 7-45,REFER TO APPENDIX IV OF YOUR TEXTBOOK.7-43.When preparing an electrical powerdistribution plan, which of thefollowing symbols should you use toshow aboveground two-conductorprimary service lines?7-44.For interior wiring, which of thefollowing symbols should you use toshow a four-conductor circuitinstalled in a ceiling?7-45.Which of the following definitionsbest describes the symbol for aspecial-purpose receptacle outlet?1.A circle inscribed in atriangle2.A circle containing a smallerinscribed circle3.A triangle4.A solid triangle inscribed in acircle7-46.In general, construction drawingsare categorized according to whichof the following factors?1.The methods used to preparethem2.Their intended purpose3.The persons who will use them4.The persons who prepared themIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 7-47 THROUGH 7-50,SELECT THE TYPE OF DRAWING THAT BESTMATCHES THE DESCRIPTION OR PURPOSE GIVEN.7-47.7-48.7-49.7-50.7-51.This drawing is also known as aproject drawing.A set includesgeneral, detail, and assemblydrawings.1. A2. B3. c4. DThis drawing is prepared for minorfield work such as a small portablebuilding.1. A2. B3. c4. DA perspective drawing showing how aproposed building will appear afterit is constructed.1. A2. B3. C4. DThis drawing is a map used inlong-range planning.1. A2. B3. C4. DWhere in a set of working drawingsshould you look to find an itemthat was too small to appear on afoundation plan?1.General drawings2.Detail drawings3.Assembly drawings47
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