8-12.When engineering data for a SEABEE8-13.8-14.8-15.8-16.construction project is beingcollected,which of the followingitems or information should beconsidered?1.Climatology in the local areaof the project site2.Availability of labor andmaterials3.Accessibility of constructionequipment to the project site4.All of the aboveIn general, which, if any, of thefollowing actions will bestpredetermine field conditions andallow the selection of methods tobe used for a survey?1.Reviewing topographic maps2.Site reconnaissance3. Checking local weatherconditions4.None of the aboveWhich of the following factorsmakes the difference between a goodsurveyor and an exceptionalsurveyor?1.The ability to collect dataquickly2. Consistent accuracy infieldwork3. The ability to exercise soundand mature common sense4.The habit of ensuring that allsurvey results are verifiedbefore acceptanceWhich of the following conditionsmust be considered when youdetermine the size of a fieldsurvey party?1. The availability of equipment2. The methods that will be used3.The requirements of the survey4.All of the aboveA transit party should consist ofat least what three persons?1.Instrumentman, rodman, and notekeeper2.Rodman, head chainman, andparty chief3.Instrumentman, head chainman,and note keeper4.Party chief, head chainman, andinstrumentman8-17.In a plane table party, the partychief functions as what teammember?1.Topographer2.Rodman3.Computer4.Head chainman8-18.In field notebooks, all letteringshould be performed in a freehandGothic style with which of thefollowing grades of pencil lead?1.2H or 3H2.3H or 4H3.4H or 5H4. FIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 8-19 THROUGH 8-21,SELECT THE PART OF THE FIELD NOTEBOOK FROMTHE FOLLOWING LIST THAT SHOULD CONTAIN THEINFORMATION DESCRIBED.8-19.8-20.8-21.8-22.Name and location of the project,the types of measurements, and thedesignation of the survey unit.1. A2. B3. CList of party personnel and theirduties.1. A2. B3. CInstructions for returning thenotebook if it is lost.1. A2. B3. CIn keeping field notes, which ofthe following procedures is/aremandatory?1.Notes are never kept onindividual scraps of paper forlater transcription tonotebooks2.Erasures are never permitted;incorrect entries are lined-outand correct entries inserted3. Rejected pages are neatlycrossed-out and referenced tothe substituted pages4.All of the above52
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