IN ANSWERING QUESTION 9-46, REFER TOFIGURE 12-18 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK.9-46.Assume that you are laying out a9-47.9-48.9-49.right angle, but you are using a50-foot tape instead of a 100-foottape, and the distance from D to Cis 15 feet.You then set the tapewith its 0-foot end on D and its50-foot end on C.Your 50-foottape will form two legs of a righttriangle if the man running out thebight draws the tape taut whileholding the 25-foot mark in contactwith what other mark?1.20-ft mark2.30-ft mark3.35-ft mark4.40-ft markComputing the size of an angle bythe chord method involves thepartial solution of a triangle inwhich the only known values arewhich of the followingmeasurements?1.The sizes of two angles2.The lengths of the sides3.The sizes of two angles andlength of one side4.The lengths of two sides andthe size of one angleWhat method of computing the sizeof an angle X involves the partialsolution of a right triangle inwhich X is an acute angle and twosides of the triangle (the sideopposite X and the side adjacent toX) are measured?1.Chord method2.Sine method3.Tangent method4.Sum of squares methodReading a tape upside down andobtaining,for example, 69 insteadof 96 and leaving out an entiretape length are samples of1.natural errors2.instrumental errors3.personal errors4.mistakes9-50.Concerning the care of steel tapes,three of the following statementsrepresent correct guidelines.Which one does NOT?9-51.9- a tape is laid acrossa gravel road, all driversshould be warned to slow theirvehicles down before crossingover the tapeWhile dragging the tape, thehead chainman should not asksomeone else to help by pickingup the free endWhen given a choice between atape which has a kink and onewhich does not, you should usethe undamaged one when possibleWhen dragging a tape, keep itstraightIn caring for and maintaining hissteel tapes, a chainman should makeit a practice to take which of thefollowing steps?1.Inspect all tapes weekly2.Wipe them dry before storingthem3.Coat them from time to timewith light rust-resistant oil4.All of the aboveListed are the steps for splicinq abroken steel tape. Identify theproper sequence.A.Align and rivet the repair stockat one end of the break.B.Insert one rivet at a time andarrange rivets in a triangularpattern.c.Place the repair stock on theface of the other section ofthe tape, using the calibrationsection as a measure for thebreak splice.D.Use a three-edge file topartially cut through thesurplus stock.1.A, B, C, D2.A, C, B, D3.C, A, B, D4.C, B, A, C63
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