Figure 9BIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 9-36 and 9-37,REFER TO FIGURE 9B.9-36.9-37.9-38.9-39.The steel tape shown is used to layout the distance from point A topoint B.If the thermometerattached to the tape reads 79°F,what is the actual distance laid tooffset the effect of change intemperature?1.168.09 ft2.168.99 ft3.169.01 ft4.169.07 ftAt another time, the steel tapeshown is used to measure thedistance from point A to point B,but this time, the thermometerreads 35°F.How much should youadd or subtract to the measurementin order to compensate for thechange in temperature?1.Add 0.02 ft2.Subtract 0.02 ft3.Add 0.04 ft4.Subtract 0.04 ftA 3-pound, 100-foot tape is used tomeasure a distance of 60 feet. Ifthe chainman maintained a pull of20 pounds, what is the correctionof sag?1.0.02 ft2.0.03 ft3.0.04 ft4.0.05 ftWhen is slope correction subtractedfrom the taped slope distance?1.When taping uphill only2.When taping downhill only3.When applying the slopecorrection formula for 10%slopes Only4.Always9-40.When determining accurate slopecorrection,what is the maximumslope for which you should use thisformula?1. 5%2.10%3.20%4.30%9-41.The difference in elevation betweentwo points is 4.0 feet.If theslope distance between the pointsis 125.00 feet, what is thehorizontal distance?1.124.936 ft2.124.978 ft3.125.032 ft4.125.064 ft9-42.Rules pertaining to the taking ofchaining notes require that thenotes reflect which of thefollowing qualities?1.Completeness2.Accuracy3.Legibility4.All of the above9-43.What is the proper way to correctan error in field notes?1.Erase the error2.Blot out the error3.Draw a line through the errorand enter the correctinformation above4.Circle and initial the errorIN ANSWERING QUESTION 9-44, REFER TOFIGURE9-44.9-45.12-17 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK.What three types of corrections aremade in the slope chainingmeasurements?1.Tension,temperature, andhumidity2.Altitude,temperature, and wind3.Hub, bench mark, and station4.Tape, temperature, and slopeIn which of the following ratios dothe lengths of the sides indicatethat the triangle is a righttriangle?1.10:15:202.18:24:303.20:30:404.25:30:4062
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