9-28.In which of the followingsituations should the breaking tapemethod of measuring be used?1.Determining the horizontaldistance between points onterrain havinq a 6-to-1 sloperatio2.Measuring the width of majoraccess roads3.Measuring horizontal distancesin heavily wooded andobstructed areas4.All of the above9-29.A two-man party is using thebreaking chain-procedure and a100-foot tape to chain a line on asteep slope.When, if ever, doesthe rear chainman give the frontchainman a chaining pin?1.Each time a 25-ft distance onlyis measured2.Each time a 50-ft distance onlyis measured3.Each time an even-foot distanceof less than 100 ft is measured4.NeverFigure 9AIN ANSWERING QUESTION 9-30, REFER TOFIGURE 9A.9-30.Assume that you continue measuringup the slope with a 100-foot tape.The head chainman is holding zeroat point D.What is the horizontaldistance between points C and D?1.10 ft2.15 ft3.25 ft4.30 ft9-31.The standard error of a 100-foottape can be determined in which ofthe following ways?1.By calibration by the Bureau ofStandards2.By comparison with a length ofa calibrated 100-foot tape3.By comparison with a known100-foot distance4.By each of the above means9-32.By calibrating a tape, you shouldremember that the standard tensionand corresponding temperature for a100-foot tape supported throughoutis1.5 lb, 65°F2.10 lb, 68°F3.15 lb, 68°F4.20 lb, 65°F9-33.A 100-foot tape has a standarderror of 0.003 feet.What is thetotal error for a taped distance of471.56 feet?(Round off to thenearest 0.01 foot.)1.0.00 ft2.0.01 ft3.0.02 ft4.0.05 ft9-34.Under standard conditions, a tapeindicates 100.00 feet when itactually should measure 99.996feet .Using this tape, how farshould you measure to set a point450 feet away from another point?1.449.96 ft2.449.98 ft3.450.02 ft4.450.04 ft9-35.A tape has a standard error whichcauses it to indicate 99.996 feetwhen it is actually measuring100.00 feet.What is the actualdistance between two points if thetaped distance is 259.05 feet?1.259.04 ft2.259.05 ft3.259.06 ft4.260.00 ft61
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