A S S I G N M E N T 9Textbook Assignment:“Direct Linear Measurements and Field Survey Safety.”Pages 12-1through 12-32.9-1.The instrumentman is moving his9-2.9-3.9-4.right arm, which is extendedupward, to the right. What messageis he signaling to the rodman?1.The rodman must move the rod tothe right2.The rodman must move the top ofthe rod to the right until itis vertical3.The rodman must move the rod tothe left4.The rodman must move the top ofthe rod to the left until it isverticalAn instrumentman extends both armsupward, what does this indicate tothe rodman?1.Move forward2.Reverse the rod3.Pick up the instrument4.Face the rodWhat actions should the rodman takein response to a boost-the-rodsignal? the rod and hold it at aspecified distance above thegroundTurn the rod upside downRaise the rod slowly until theinstrumentman has read thewhole-foot markMove the top of the rod, in ashort arc, towards theinstrumentinstrumentman extends both armshorizontally from his shoulderswaves them up and down.Whatmessage is he giving to the rodman?1.Come in2.Pick up the instrument3.All right4.Move forward9-5.9-6.9-7.9-8.In clearing a chaining line, whatshould you do when a valuable treelies directly in your path?1.Triangulate around it2.Find the owner and request thetree to cut down3.Cut it down4.Choose a different chaininglineWhat term is used to describeconsecutive sights taken through atelescope for the purpose ofkeeping chainmen on line?1.Running line2.Bench mark3.Foresight4.BacksightWhen an instrumentman takes a sightalong a portion of a line that hasalready been run, he is taking a1.horizontal control step2.vertical control step3.foresight4.backsightFor what reason should a chainmanuse an indicator that is narrowerthan a range pole when holding onor plumbing over a point for shortsights? enable the instrumentman toalign the indicator exactlywith the vertical cross hair ofhis instrumentTo enable the instrument tosight beyond the pointTo enable the chainman to carryout his duties without becomingfatiguedTo enable the chainman to holdthe indicator steady58
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