9-18.In a three-man chaining partyoperation, who keeps a completerecord of all measurements made bythe party?1.Head chainman2.Rear chainman3.Stretcherman4.Instrumentman9-19.In beginning a horizontal chainingoperation, the rear chainman, withone chaining pin, stations himselfat the starting point.The headchainman then moves toward thedistant point to be measuredholding (a) what part of the tape,and (b) a total of how manychaining pins?1.(a) The 100-ft end (b) 12.(a) The 100-ft end (b) 103.(a) The zero end(a) The zero end(b) 14.(b) 109-20.When the tape is pulled forward formeasuring the next 100-footincrement , what becomes of thechaining pins that were stuck inthe ground by the head chainman andrear chainman?1.Both pins are pulled andcarried to the next stations2.The head chainman leaves hispin in the ground; the rearchainman pulls and carries hispin3.The head chainman pulls andcarries his pin; the rearchainman leaves his pin in theground4.Both pins are left in theground9-21.When the head chainman runs out ofchaining pins, what total number ofpins should the rear chainman have?1. 02. 13. 94. 109-22.Which of the following deviceshelps you apply the correct tensionto a tape that is supported at itsends only?9-23.Including the O-foot mark, a totalof how many whole-foot marks arecontained on a 100-foot plus tape?1. 992.1003.1014.1029-24.You are measuring the exact lengthof a building using a minus tape.What is the length of the buildingif you are holding a 65-foot markat the outer face of the end wallwhen the head chainman calls out“Minus point three six”?1.63.64 ft2.64.36 ft3.64.64 ft4.65.36 ft9-25.When slope chaining, which of thefollowing information can youobtain by direct reading?1.Slope angle only2.Slope angle and slope distance3.Horizontal distance only4.Slope angle and horizontaldistance9-26.In horizontal chaining operations,a call of “Mark” from the rearchainman signals the head chainmanto take which of the followingactions?1.Pull the end of the tape2.Stick a chaining pin into theground3.Measure the tension on the tape4.Release his plumb bob9-27.Two men are making a horizontalmeasurement on a slope.Thechainman on the lower leveldetermines at what height thechainman on the higher level willhold his tape by using whatinstrument?1.A transit2.A theodolite3.A hand level4.A plumb bob1.Taping stool2.Spring balance3.Scissors clamp4.Chaining buck60
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