9-9.When running a line from point A topoint B, what action does theinstrumentman take when he“plunges” the telescope?1.Turns the telescope 180° to theright from a sight on point Ato a sight on point B2.Rotates the telescopevertically from a sight onpoint A to a sight on point B3.Turns the telescope 180° to theleft from a sight on point A toa sight on point B4.Moves the telescope from pointA to point B9-10.When plumbing over a point, whichof the following actions should youtake to overcome the problem ofwind blowing the plumb bob back andforth? the point of the plumb bobon the point being plumbedBounce the point of the plumbbob slightly up and down on thepoint being plumbedShorten the plumb bob cordHave a second person hold thepoint of the plumb bob steadyon the point being plumbedshould mark the horizontallocation of a point over which toplumb a transit by which of thefollowing means?1.A flag or chaining pin2.A leveling rod or range pole3.A precise marker driven or setin the top of a hub4.A bull-point or spad9-12.Survey control points are marked inthe field by which of the followingmeans?1.Bronze disks set in concrete2.Center-punched metal rodsdriven flush with the ground3.Wooden stakes or soda pop topsand nails driven flush with theground4.Each of the above9-13.9-14.9-15.9-16.9-17.In addition to an identifyingsymbol, what marking is usuallyplaced on a bench mark constructedby surveyors to identify a pointfor a construction project?1.The abbreviation for benchmark, BM2.The elevation of the bench mark3.A number showing the order inwhich the bench mark is to beconsidered4.A number denoting the distanceof the bench mark from thepoint of beginningAs survey control points areestablished in the field, in whatmanner are they recorded in thefield notebook?1.By sketch2.By word description3.By either 1 or 2, or acombination of both4.By detailed drawingWhen an important station is markedwith a hub, measurements are madeto one or more other points andrecorded in a field notebook toassure what information?1.The hub can be relocated ifplowed up and displaced2.The hub location is preciselydetermined3.The reference points arelocated accurately4.The elevation of the hub can bedeterminedA hub can be made conspicuous tooperators of earthmoving equipmentby which of the following methods?1.Casting a monument over the hub2.Flagging or barricading3.Marking the hub with a tack4.Elevating the hubWhat tool is used to mark aterminal point in a chainingoperation when the distance beingmeasured is greater than the tapelength?1.Surveyor’s arrow2.Chaining pin3.Philadelphia rod4.Range pole59
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