6-27.Of the following descriptions, whichmost accurately describespretensioning of concrete members?1.After the concrete has beenplaced and has reached aspecified strength,reinforcement strands are pulledthrough formed channels, and apredetermined amount of stressis applied2.Reinforcement strands are pulledthrough inflated tubes and arestressed before placement of theconcrete3.Reinforcement strands arestressed to a predeterminedpoint before placement of theconcrete and are released justbefore the concrete has set4.Reinforcement strands are placedin the forms and are stressed toa predetermined point before theconcrete is placed; the strandsare then released after theconcrete has reached a specifiedstrength6-28.In what part of a prestressed beamdoes the tensioned steel producehigh compression?1.Upper2.Lower3.Exact center4.Approximate center6-29.What condition occurs when a load(force) is placed on a prestressedbeam?1.The camber is forced out,leaving a beam with positivedeflection2.The upward bow is increased3.The camber is forced out,leaving a level beam with nodeflection4.The upward bow is forced out,creating deflection in the beam6-30.What is the approximate weight ofconventional concrete?1.175 lb/cu ft2.150 lb/cu ft3.130 lb/cu ft4.115 lb/cu ftIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 6-31 THROUGH 6-35,SELECT THE TYPE OF CONCRETE FROM THEFOLLOWING LIST THAT BEST MATCHES THECHARACTERISTIC GIVEN.A.HEAVYWEIGHT CONCRETEB.SEMI-LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETEC.INSULATING LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETED.STRUCTUTWL LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE6-31.Weighs 115 to 140 lb/cu ft and has acompressive strength comparable tonormal concrete.1. A2. B3. C4. D6-32.Weighs 20 to 70 lb/cu ft and is usedfor fireproofing.1. A2. B3. C4. D6-33.Weighs up to 400 lb/cu ft.1. A2. B3. C4. D6-34.Weighs up to 115 lb/cu ft and isused to decrease the dead-loadweight of structural members.1. A2. B3. C4. D6-35.Normally has a compressive strengthof 1,000 psi or less.1. A2. B3. C4. D6-36.In what type of construction areconcrete walls poured horizontally,lifted upright, and then secured inplace?1.Tilt-up2.Lift-up3.Cast-in-place4.Prefab6-37.In tilt-up panel construction, whereis additional reinforcementgenerally needed?1.At the top2.At the bottom3.Around the edges4.Around any openings39
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