6-38.6-39.6-40.6-41.6-42.6-43.For what purpose are inserts placedin the tilt-up panels?1.For vertical support2.For picking up or tilting3.For extra reinforcement4.For horizontal supportIn a tilt-up panel, the inserts areinstalled in what manner?1.Independent of the reinforcement2.Tied to reinforcement3.Welded to reinforcement4.Tied to the panel formsWhat is the strongest method ofconnecting panels together?1.A butted connection using groutor gasket2.A cast-in-place column with thepanel-reinforcing steel tiedinto the column3.Steel columns welded to steelangles or plates secured in thepanel4.Precast columns tied with thepanelTo provide waterproofing in allpanel joints, you should use whatmaterial?1.Heavy plastic film2.Heavy asphalt-laminated barriers3.Polyethylene (6-mil)4.Expansion jointWhat is the purpose of contractionjoints?1.To prevent buckling due toexpansion of the reinforcingsteel caused by temperaturechanges2.To prevent cracking due toshrinkage of the reinforcingsteel3.To prevent cracking due toshrinkage caused by temperaturechanges4.To prevent buckling due toexpansion of the concrete causedby temperature changesExpansion joints are also known aswhat kind of joints?1.Construction2.Shrinkage3.Contraction4.Isolation6-44.6-45.6-46.6-47.Placing plastic concrete into spacesenclosed by forms is referred to bywhat term?1.Casting2.Precasting3.Molding4.PremoldingThe part of a wall form that shapesand retains the concrete until itsets is known by what term?1.Brace2.Wale3.stud4.SheathingIn formwork, what devices areusually used to reinforce wall formsagainst concrete displacement?1.Sheathing2.Wales3.Ties4.SpreadersWhich of the followinq devicescombines the functions of wire tiesand wooden spreaders?1.Tie holder2.Snap tie3.Tie spreader4.Bar tie6-48.What type of wall-form tie consistsof an inner section and two threadedouter sections?1.Snap tie2.Bar tie3.Tie rod4.Tie spreader6-49.For concrete column forms, (a) whatis the name of the members thatbrace against bursting pressure, and(b) where is the bursting pressuregreatest?1.(a) Ties(b) middle2.(a) Yokes (b) top3.(a) Yokes (b) bottom4.(a) Ties (b) top6-50.In masonry construction, what is themost common concrete masonry unitused?1.Concrete block2.Clay tile3.Stone4.Brick40
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