8-23.In a measured distance thatrequired 200 measurements, thetotal error was -9 units. For thiserror to be adjusted, eachmeasurement must be1.increased by 0.4502.increased by 0.0453.decreased by 0.4504.decreased by 0.0458-24.A measured distance is 302.12 feet.This measurement contains whattotal number of significantfigures?1.Five2.Two3.Three4.Four8-25.If you round off 92.454 to threesignificant figures, what is theresulting number? drawing a property map, youshould include which of thefollowing items?1.The length and direction ofeach boundary line2.Reference points referred froman established coordinatesystem3.Names of important details,such as roads, streams, andlandmarks4.All of the above8-27.In an orientation symbol, afull-head arrow represents whatdirection or orientationinformation, if any?1.Magnetic meridian2.True meridian3.Magnetic declination4.None8-28.Which of the following factors willinfluence the orientation of a mapdrawn on standard size drawingpaper?1.The shape of the mapped area2.The size of the mapped area3.The scale of the map4.The purpose of the map8-29.A map that should be used for8-30.8-31.8-32.8-33.8-34.8-35.making a model of an 18-hole golfcourse is known as what type?1.Geographic2.Planimetric3.TopographicAn ordinary road map of the stateof Florida is an example of whattype of map?1.Geographic2.Planimetric3.TopographicA naval station base map that showsonly the layout of buildings androads is what type of map?1.Geographic2.Planimetric3.TopographicThe various parts of a transit aredivided into three major groups.Which of the following is NOT amajor group?1.Telescopic assembly2.Upper plate assembly3.Lower plate assembly4.Leveling assemblyWhat part of a transit contains thegraduated scale for determining thevalue of horizontal angles?1.Upper plate2.Lower plate3.Alidade4.Leveling headWhat part of a transit is used forslow motion movement when thetelescope is being centered on anobject?1.Clamp2.Lower motion screw3.Upper motion screw4.Tangent screwIn addition to the two plate-levelvials, the transit has a thirdlevel vial.What is the third vialused to level?1.Tripod head2.Standard3.Footplate4.Telescope53
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