8-36. What part of a transit is graduatedfrom 0° to 90° in four quadrants?1. Horizontal circle2. Vertical circle3. A-vernier4. Double vernierFigure 8AIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 8-37 AND 8-38,REFER TO FIGURE 8A.8-37. The least reading of the horizontalscale shown is1. 20 seconds2. 30 seconds3. 45 seconds4. 1 minute8-38. Reading clockwise, the vernier reads1. 11°36’00”2. 28°30’00”3. 348°20’00”4. 351°45’00”Figure 8BIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 8-39 AND 8-40,REFER TO FIGURE 8B.8-39. The least reading of the horizontalscale shown is1. 20 seconds2. 30 seconds3. 45 seconds4. 1 minute8-40. In a counterclockwise direction, thevernier reads1. 341°45’2. 338°15’3. 39°10’4. 21°47’8-41. For a 1-minute theodolite, which ofthe following actions occur when thecircle clamp is in the lever-downposition?1. The circle is clamped and turnswith the telescope2. The circle is clamped and thetelescope turns independently3. The circle is unclamped and thetelescope turns independently4. The circle is unclamped and turnswith the telescope8-42. The lower half of the vertical lineon the reticle of a theodolite issplit for what purpose?1. To center triangular-shapeddistant objects2. To determine the width of distantobjects3. To center small distant objects4. To determine the height ofdistant objects8-43. What part of an engineer’s transitserves the same function as thetribrach of the theodolite?1. Leveling assembly2. Lower plate3. Upper plate4. Standard8-44. What are the values read from thevertical circle of a theodolitecalled?1. Vertical angles2. Direct angles3. Zenith distances4. Direct distances8-45. What part of a one-second theodoliteis used to select whether the anglebeing read is a vertical orhorizontal angle?1. Circle tangent screw2. Inverter knob (circle-selector)3. Circle setting knob4. Circular level54
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