8-46.The difference between twodiametrically opposite members onthe circle of a one-secondtheodolite as viewed through thecircle reading microscope is equalto plus or minus how many degrees?1.90°2.180°3.270°4.360°8-47.What is the main difference betweena wye level and a dumpy level?1.Their magnifying power2.The way they are used in thefield3.The way their telescopes areattached to the horizontal(level) bar4.The way their horizontal barsare attached to the levelinghead8-48.What part(s) of a telescope shouldyou adjust to bring the cross hairsand the object into clear focus?1.Eyepiece2.Focusing knob3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Reticle adjusting screw8-49.The bubble of a level vial on asurveying instrument may becomeincreasingly difficult to centerbecause of what factor?1.Temperature2.Vial age3.Humidity4.Vial sensitivity8-50.On a tilting level, which of thefollowing screws is used to bringthe bubble to the exact center?1.Tangent2.Micrometer3.Leveling4.Centering8-51.You are setting up a militarylevel.You can accomplishpreliminary leveling by using whichof the following parts?1.The level vial and circularbubble2.The leveling screws and themicrometer drum3.The leveling screws and thecircular bubble4.The leveling screws and thelevel vial8-52.The purpose of the compensator in a8-53.8-54.8-55.self-leveling level is tocompensate for which of thefollowing factors?1.Misalignment of the verticalhair only2.Misalignment of the horizontalhair only3.Misalignment of both thevertical and horizontal hairs4.A slight out-of-level of thetelescopeIn surveying, what instrument isoften called the universal surveyinstrument?1.Theodolite2.Engineer’s transit3.Wye level4.Automatic levelThe Abney hand level differs fromthe plain hand level in that it haswhat additional part?1.A spirit level2.An eyepiece3.An optical telescope4.A graduated arcWhich of the followinq advantagesdoes use of the plane-table andalidade provide over use of othersurveying instruments?1.The need to measure horizontaldistances is eliminated2.The need to measure verticaland horizontal angles iseliminated3.Both 1 and 2 above4.A completed sketch or mapmanuscript is produced in thefield8-56.Which of the following methods canbe used to orient a plane tableduring fieldwork?1.A transit2.A magnetic compass3.Sight on a point whose positionis plotted on the plane table4.Either 2 or 3 above, dependingon preference8-57.What is the maximum angle above thehorizontal that a telescopicalidade is capable of measuring?1.15°2.30°3.45°4.60°55
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