8-70.In high-precision measurement,which of the following tapeaccessories should be used to markaccurately the distance indicatedby the tape graduation?1.Tension scale2.Taping stool3.Staff4.Tape thermometer8-71.When target reading is beingperformed, what survey party memberreads the rod?1.Chainman2.Instrumentman3.Flagman4.Rodman8-72.During leveling operations, inwhich of the following soilconditions should you use a turningpoint plate?1.Sandy or muddy soil2.Compacted gravel3.Ordinary stable soils4.Rocky pasture land8-73.The type of material to be used forsurvey point markers depends uponwhich of the following conditions?1.The location of the point2.Whether the point is temporaryor permanent3.Both 1 and 2 above4.The discretion of the engineerofficer8-74.Which of the following types ofmarkers is/are generally used forhorizontal and vertical controlstations?1.Iron pipe filled with concrete2.Bronze disks set in concrete3.A hole drilled in concrete andfilled with lead4.Each of the above8-75.What method should you use topermanently mark a station locatedon an asphaltic concrete surface?1.Nail a spad into the surface2.Drive a railroad spike into thesurface3.Spot paint the surface4.Drive a wooden hub into thesurface57
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