8-58.Which of the following alidadeattachments is used for accurateleveling of the line of sight?1.Circular level2.Striding level3.Right-angle prism4.Vertical circle scale8-59.What type of assembly, when8-60.8-61.8-62.attached to the alidade, makes itpossible to determine horizontaldistances and differences inelevation by the stadia method?1.Ball and socket2.Optical reading3.Stadia arc4.Exterior arcWhich of the following tools shouldyou use when clearing away smallsaplings and vines?1.Chain saw2.Brush hook3.Coping saw4.Bull pointWhich of the following tools isbest suited for driving pipemarkers into asphalt surfaces?1.A hatchet2.A single bit ax3.A sledgehammer4.A bull pointWhich of the following tools shouldyou use to lift a manhole cover?1.A long-handled shovel2.A crowbar3.A long-bladed screwdriver4.A machete8-63.Which, if any, of the followingdevices is used to locate buriedmetal markers?1.Dip needle2.Mine detector3.Probing steel4.None of the above8-64.Which of the following tapes shouldbe used for the high-precisionmeasurement of a base line that isin the vicinity of a high-voltagecircuit?1.Metallic2.Nonmetallic3.Steel4.Invar8-65.To run a traverse in steep terrainon a windy day, which of thefollowing tripods should you use tosupport the transit?1.Stilt-leg2.Wide-frame rigid3.Wide-frame jack-leg4.Jack-leg8-66.After you secure the restrainingstrap, what is the next step insetting up a tripod?1.Hold one leg only close to yourbody2.Hold two legs close to yourbody3.Spread the legs 60° apart4.Spread the legs until they formabout a 50° to 60° angle withthe horizontal8-67.Which of the following actions isNOT a proper way to care for atripod?1.Applying pressure across thetripod legs when pressing thetripod into the ground2.Adjusting the hinge jointwithout overtightening3.Applying a light coat of oil onthe metal parts of the tripod4.Applying pressure along thetripod legs when pressing thetripod into the ground8-68.The effectiveness of the plumb bob,cord, and target set as a precisioninstrument will be most impaired bywhat condition?1.Faded paint on the target2.Dust on any part of the set3.A damaged or bent tip on theplumb bob4.A worn leather sheath8-69.Which of the following tapeaccessories should be used tohold the tape securely at anintermediate point?1.Tape clamp handle2.Tension scale3.Taping stool4.Staff56
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