Traverse computations, 7-7 to 7-14
adjusting angles, 7-8
adjusting bearings and distances, 7-12 to 7-13
adjusting linear error of closure, 7-8 to 7-12
calculating plane coordinates, 7-13 to 7-14
checking and reducing angles and distances, 7-8
closing a traverse, 7-10 to 7-12
latitude and departure, 7-8 to 7-12, 7-14
Trigonometric leveling, 7-2 to 7-4
vertical curves, 3-5, 11-12 to 11-20
gradient, 11-12
profile work sheet, 11-20
Stakeout, 11-20
symmetrical, 11-15 to 11-18
terminology, 11-13 to 11-15
unsymmetrical, 11-18 to 11-19
Wastewater systems, 2-19 to 2-22
design, 2-21 to 2-22
terminology, 2-20
Waterfront surveys, 10-26 to 10-30
location by chaining, 10-27
location by triangulation, 10-28
pile location sheet, 10-29
Waterfront structures, 1-8 to 1-14
breakwater, 1-8 to 1-9
bulkhead 1-9 to 1-11
groin, 1-9
jetty, 1-8
mole, 1-9
pier, 1-12 to 1-14
seawall, 1-9
Water distribution system, 2-14 to 2-19
drawings, 2-18 to 2-19
groundwater, 2-15
layout, 2-17 to 2-18
selection and development of sources, 2-16
terminology, 2-16 to 2-17
valve and hydrant locations, 2-18
Welding symbols, 1-24, 1-26
Work assignment and schedules, 14-6 to 14-8, 14-9,
Zone time, 15-1 to 15-2