Soil field identification, 16-15 to 16-20
acid test, 16-20
bite (grit) test, 16-20
dry-strength (break) test, 16-17
equipment, 16-16
feel test, 16-20
odor test, 16-19
ribbon test, 16-18
shine test, 16-20
thread (roll) test, 16-18
visual examination, 16-16
wet-shaking test, 16-18 to 16-19
Soil profile, 16-6
Soil stabilization methods, 18-1 to 18-2
additive method, 18-2
mechanical method, 18-2
modification method, 18-2
Soil stabilizers, 18-2 to 18-4
bituminous, 18-3
cement, 18-2
fly ash, 18-3
lime, 18-2
selection, 18-3 to 18-4
Soil surveys, 16-4 to 16-11
information sources, 16-7 to 16-8
objectives, 16-5 to 16-7
procedures, 16-10
sample collection, 16-8 to 16-9
Volubility test, 13-41
Solar time, 15-1
Specific gravity, 13-24 to 13-26, 13-46
Specifications, 5-1 to 5-4
federal specifications, 5-3
manufacturers specifications, 5-3
NAVFAC specifications, 5-1 to 5-3
organization, 5-3 to 5-4
project specifications, 5-3 to 5-4
Stadia, 8-3 to 8-12
inclined elevations and distances, 8-6
reduction formulas, 8-4 to 8-5
stadia tables, 8-6
transit-stadia field procedures, 8-8 to 8-12
Steel frame structures, 1-19 to 1-24
bridges, 1-22
preengineered buildings, 1-23
towers, 1-23
Structural steel, 1-17 to 1-18
connectors, 1-24 to 1-27
Sun observations, 15-17 to 15-22
declination, 15-18
field procedures, 15-19
Survey parties, 14-8 to 14-9
Topographic control, 8-1 to 8-2
locating details, 8-2 to 8-12,9-1 to 9-2
Topographic maps, 8-12 to 8-24,9-9
map construction, 8-21
map requirements, 8-23 to 8-24
map scales, 8-20, 8-24
Triangulation, 15-24 to 15-41
base line measurements, 15-33 to 15-34,
closure, 15-37
point location, 15-39 to 15-41
precision checks, 15-37 to 15-39
procedures, 15-31 to 15-37
signals, 15-30 to 15-31, 15-32
targets, 15-27 to 15-30
towers, 15-31
triangulation networks, 15-25 to 15-27
Training, 14-6, 14-10, 14-12