Drafting: fundamentals and techniques; reproduction process-Continued drawing formats, 3-11 to 3-19 basic format, 3-13 to 3-19 bill of materials, 3-19 revision block, 3-17 to 3-18 satisfactory to block, 3-17 title block, 3-13 to 3-17 sheet layout, 3-12 to 3-13 sheet sizes, 3-11 to 3-12 drawing reproduction, 3-41 to 3-5 1reproduction machines, 3-42 to 3-50 Blu-Ray model 842 whiteprinter, 3-42 to 3-50 reproduction materials, 3-50 to 3-51 blueprint paper, 3-50 sepia line intermediates, 3-50 to 3-51reproduction room, 3-42 inclined lettering, 3-34 to 3-35 lettering, 3-28 to 3-34 freehand lettering, 3-28 guidelines, 3-28 to 3-30 Ames letteringinstrument, 3-29 spacing between guidelines, 3-30 vertical single-stroke Gothic lettering, 3-30 to 3-34 curved- and straight-line combina- tions, 3-32 to 3-33 lowercase letters, 3-33 to 3-34 numerals and fractions, 3-33 straight-line capitals, 3-31 to 3-32 line conventions, 3-19 to 3-26break lines,3-23 to 3-24center lines, 3-21 construction lines, 3-2 1 datum lines, 3-26dimension lines, 3-22 to 3-23 extension lines,3-22 leaders, 3-23 match lines,3-26 phantom lines, 3-24 section lines, 3-24 to 3-25 stitch lines, 3-26viewing orcutting plane lines, 3-25 to 3-26 visiblelines, 3-21 to 3-22 mechanical lettering,3-27 to 3-41 lettering system, 3-4 1 line weights, 3-39 maintenance of mechanical lettering equipment, 3-40 to 3-41 operating procedures,3-39 to 3-40 pens, 3-38 to 3-39 spacingandcentering, 3-40 templates, 3-38 Drafting: fundamentals and techniques; reproduction process-Continued order of inking, 3-27 to 3-28 order of penciling,3-26 to 3-27 work preparation, 3-l to 3-3 work area, 3-l your equipment and materials, 3-2 to 3-3 drafting board, 3-2 drafting paper,3-2 drafting pencils,3-2 to 3-3 Drafting: geometric construction,4-l to 4-16 angles, 4-3 to 4-4 bisection of an angle, 4-4 transfer of an angle, 4-3 to 4-4 circular curves, 4-10 to 4-14circle throughthreepoints, 4-10 circular arc of a given radiustangent to a straight line and another circular arc, 4-12 circular arc of a given radius tangent to two other circular arcs, 4-12 to 4-13 circular arc of a given radius tangent to two straight lines, 4-11 compound curves, 4-13 to 4-14 line tangent to a circle at a given point, 4-10 to 4-11 reverse,or ogee,curve, 4-14 noncircular curves, 4-14 to 4-16ellipse by concentric-circlemethod, 4-16 ellipseby four-center method, 4-16 ellipse by pin-and-string method,4-15 planefigures, 4-4 to 4-10 any regularpolygonin a given circumscribed circle, 4-7 any regular polygon on a given inscribed circle, 4-7 to 4-8 any regular polygonwitha given length of side, 4-8 equilateral trianglein a given circumscribed circle, 4-5 equilateral triangle: length of side given, 4-5 equilateraltriangle on a given inscribed circle, 4-5 to 4-6 rectangle: given length and width, 4-6 regular hexagon in a given circumscribed circle, 4-9 regular hexagon on a given inscribed circle, 4-9 INDEX-5
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