Accessories, surveying, 11-36 to 11-37
Administration, 16-1 to 16-14
administrative duties, 16-5 to 16-11
assignment as team leader, 16-6 to
cooperation, 16-7 to 16-8
planning work assignments, 16-6
to 16-7
supervision, 16-7
maintaining files, 16-8 to 16-11
filing original copies, 16-8
filing prints and data, 16-8 to
recording files, 16-10 to 16-11
career development, 16-12 to 16-14
sources of informationcommercial,
16-13 to 16-14
sources of informationgovernment,
Engineering Aid rating, 16-1 to 16-5
importance of the EA rating, 16-1
scope of duties and responsibilities,
typical EA billets, 16-1 to 16-5
assignment to a typical public
works department, 16-4 to
assignment to an NMCB operations
department, 16-2 to 16-4
other EA billets, 16-5
professional duties, 16-11 to 16-12
assignment to drafting/reproduction
section, 16-11
maintaining a technical library,
reproducing blueprints, 16-11
assignment to materials testing
section, 16-12
assignment to surveying section,
16-11 to 16-12
Algebraic notation and algebraic operations,
Ames lettering instrument, 3-29
Angles, 4-3 to 4-4
bisection of an angle, 4-4
transfer of an angle, 4-3 to 4-4
Angles, protraction of, 3-5 to 3-6
Angular measurement, units of, 1-29 to 1-30
Architectural drawings, 10-14 to 10-20
elevations, 10-18 to 10-20
floor plan, 10-14 to 10-18
Area measurement, units of, 1-28
Arithmetic, 1-8
Arithmetic extraction of square roots, 1-5 to
Axonometric projection, 5-20 to 5-24
Basic engineering surveys and construction site
safety, 14-25 to 14-47
as-built survey, 14-45
construction-site safety, 14-45
crossing ice, 14-46 to 14-47
excavations, 14-46
highways surveys, 14-25 to 14-41
structural surveys, 14-41 to 14-43
tree climbing, 14-46
underground and overhead lines, 14-46
utilities stakeout, 14-43 to 14-45
Beam and girder forms, 7-23
Bench mark, leveling operations, 14-1 to 14-3
Blueprint paper, 3-50
Board measure, 1-31 to 1-32
Bolts and driftpins, 6-50 to 6-51
Braces, wall framing, 6-20
Break lines, 3-23 to 3-24
Brick masonry, 7-30 to 7-34
brick classification, 7-31
brick nomenclature, 7-31
masonry terms, 7-33 to 7-34
types of bonds, 7-33
types of bricks, 7-31 to 7-33
Bridging, floor framing, 6-17